Docster's FAQ

The latest versions of either Safari or Google Chrome are needed for a successful connection.

We recommend a desktop or laptop with camera and microphone as the best choice. The next best would be a tablet because of it's higher computing power and lastly phones which have less computing power and much smaller screens. The greater the computer power the more likely the picture will be crisp and clean.

No it is always preferable that you see your own doctor, however, permission is not required.

No. Docster is very inexpensive at $35.00 per consult. This is very competitive with most co-pays.  If you like, we will produce a receipt for you so you can submit it to your insurance carrier.

Yes, your referring doctor may receive an email informing him/her of our treatment, if you request this.

Yes, for the most part it is good practice to see your physician face to face. At least once a year is recommended or more frequently for more serious problems. If our treatment of your medical malady hasn’t resolved or improved within three days (72 hours) then a face to face with a doctor is recommended.

No. We will not treat the same condition a second time if it hasn’t improved or resolved. You will have to go to your practitioner, a clinic, urgent care or ER.

No, Docster is limited by oral and visual history and vital signs provided to us by you and others. Thus we will only care for NONURGENT medical conditions. Issues that are very acute, within hours of onset, and include the core body will usually need to be seen at a clinic/ER.

Prescription refill, Urinary tract infections, Upper Respiratory Infections, Sinusitis, Ear Infections, Allergies, Mild Asthma, Rashes, Consults for lacerations, General medical questions, Sore Throats, Constipation, Bug Bites, Poison Ivy, Skin infections, Acne, Bonchitis, Musclular back pain, Conjunctivitis, Nausea/vomiting/diarrhea, Flu, Acid reflux, Minor burns, Mastitis, Migraines, Morning sickness, Sexually transmitted infections(STD’s), Sexual dysfunction, Minor sports injuries, Vaginal bacterial and yeast infections, Simple wounds, Smoking cessation, Medication questions/advise.

Generally ages 3-100+ can be seen, patients younger than 3 should be seen by their pediatrician, unless it’s a very minor thing like diaper rash or bug bites.

Then you can use a phone or tablet with a camera and microphone.

That depends on our volume, however, our goal is within 15 minutes.

Then the doctor will call the Pharmacy number you have provided and leave a prescription for you. These are usually ready for pickup within 1-3 hours. Please call your pharmacy to confirm availability prior to pick-up.

Unfortunately, this happens often, although we assure you, we did call in the prescription.  For whatever reason a Pharmacy misses our voicemail call in.  If this happens to you, call us at (281) (DOCSTER) 362-7837 and we will call the pharmacy back and discuss directly with the pharmacist if available.

Absolutely, the video portion is extremely important in assessing all patients. Thus, the doctor will need to see and maybe even talk to the child if they are old enough to converse.

Unfortunately, No.  You are accessing Board Certified physicians for their Expert opinions.  These Doctors have years of training and are here to treat you so that you may avoid the cost and hassle of the typical medical Clinics/ERs/Hospitals if at all possible. However, you are paying for their expert opinion which may include the need for you to be seen at a more intensive site.

No, we will not prescribe Narcotic medications. Not only is it illegal for us but if your pain is so bad that you require this type of medication then you should be seen at a clinic.

The Texas Legislature forbids telemedicine doctors from prescribing Plan B/Morning After pills.  You can purchase this over the counter drug at most pharmacies, no prescription is needed.

Yes, we can treat it.  We cannot test for the actual cause, however, we will give you a referral for further testing at a free or low cost clinic and in the meantime treat what you describe to us.

Absolutely not.  Per HIPPA regulations no one is allowed to share your medical data without your permission.

We can only see you with your parent’s permission, unless you have an STD, or if you are legally emancipated.

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Only our success can help others heal and save money, simultaneously.