
Telemedicine...What’s that?

Jan 22 2018

The history of medicine is very interesting. During the time of cavemen, the treatment of gas was likely a swift punch to the gut. However, mankind has slowly tested medicine by trial and error through the centuries.

Kindness….the best medicine

Jan 20 2018

A medical blog about kindness? Who is this crackpot doctor? Since when has kindness ever cured a disease? I’ve never seen cancer run at the site of a big hug or a free smoothy. Kindness. Yes, I think kindness is very important to medicine. I would even go so far as to say it is integral to our patient’s health. I’m sure everyone has heard of the power of positive thinking.

Cancer Sticks

Jan 19 2018

I often hear smoker’s say,” Well I started as a kid, we didn’t know(it was bad for you) back then.” Really, I’m way older than you(most likely) and I grew up in the 70’s. Yes, bars and restaurants allowed smoking as well as just about everywhere else. I even remember the smoking section on the airplane.

The Dirtiest four letter word…..”DIET”.

Jan 18 2018

Yes, I said it. In bold type no less! I hope the censors don’t catch me. Diet, diet, diet…. It’s so cathartic to say such a nasty word. I just wish saying such an inflammatory thing would make it easier to practice such a word. My whole life has been a yo-yo of eating right followed by pure ravenous disregard for my favorite 4 food groups, chocolate, cake, candy and chocolate.

No Pain, No Gain

Jan 17 2018

Nothing seems to ring more true than the expression, No Pain, No Gain. Whether we are referring to starting a business, attending advanced classes, or creating a new garden, all require extraordinary effort to reach our goals. Of course the most obvious place this expression presents itself is with physical self improvement. Yes, I’m talking exercise here.

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