About Us

How It All Started

Docster was actually envisioned & started in 2013 by Dr. Marcus Christopher MD a board certified emergency physician who wanted to bring a low cost basic medical service to the masses. As an ER doctor he regularly saw how very expensive medicine could be, even for the simplest of issues. Realizing that basic medical issues were being lumped in with very serious illnesses, and as such, the cost for a simple ear infection in the ER could run over a thousand dollars.

Not only was the cost prohibitive but the time it took to be seen was extensive. Patients trying to see their own doctor might have to wait days, weeks, or even months for an appointment. Thus, the patient’s other options included traveling to an ER/clinic/urgent care with hopes that their insurance was accepted there and that the wait was under an hour.

Insurance companies have been raising monthly rates so steadily that they can now exceed the cost of a mortgage payment. The deductibles are so high, that insurance companies, infrequently pay out anything for our mainly healthy working population. Thus, patients are often on their own when paying for medical care.

Docster was the next logical step to treat non-urgent patients. With Technology racing forward we started the web design in 2013. Unfortunately, it wasn’t until June 2017 that the Texas State Legislature allowed Doctors to initially see patients via telemedicine.

So now partnered with Peter Beshay, a marketing and Web design expert, we are working toward perfecting the telemedicine experience for our patients. Our web design has changed and continues to evolve through multiple revisions and upgrades. So be patient with us as we grow and learn how to provide a better service to our patients (You).

If you like our service, please share your positive experience with your friends and family. Only our success can help others heal from their illnesses and save money simultaneously.

Warmest Regards,

Docster Telemedicine LLC



Career Bio:

Dr MarcusDr. Marcus Christopher MD, is a board certified emergency physician through ABEM (American Board of Emergency Medicine). While attending the University of Arizona in Tucson (Go WildCats!) as a microbiology major and chemistry minor he heard about an EMT class and thought it would serve him well as his stepping stone towards a medical career. It did, for once he aced the class he got a job working for Kord’s Ambulance at age 19. He was so young, that he was allowed to take care of the patients but not allowed to drive the ambulance until his 20th birthday. He graduated Valedictorian of his University of Arizona Paramedic Class and soon thereafter was accepted into Arizona’s medical school. He accepted a full scholarship from the US Air Force and after graduating was chosen as only one of two “preselects” nationally to attend the Military’s Emergency Medical Residency in San Antonio, TX. He finished the 4 year residency with multiple research awards and was asked to stay and teach emergency medicine at Wilford Hall Medical Center and Brooke Army Medical Center. While doing this he was deployed to 911 after the terror attack where he was also on the Presidential Surgical Team. He Trained in Special Ops and was part of a Medical FST team (Forward Surgical Team) where he was deployed to the southern Philippines for anti-terrorist support. Later , he commanded a CCATT(Critical Care Air Transport Team) in Baghdad and Kirkuk, Iraq during the 2003 war.

He left the Air force in 2004, and worked full time at Baptist Health Systems in San Antonio for the past 14 years.

If you like our service, please share your positive experience with your friends and family.

Only our success can help others heal and save money, simultaneously.